Our open hands reveal who we are at First Presbyterian. We believe that serving one another is serving God.
We serve those around us and those among us.
Serving Our Church Family
Our Deacons co-ordinate the congregation’s connections to members and friends that are sick, homebound, or in need of prayer, comfort or resources. Deacons augment the Pastoral Care provided by Pastor Eddie, Pastor Craig, and Josh Archey.
We have Stephen Ministers, trained volunteers who provide emotional support while maintaining complete confidentiality to those who are facing personal crisis, such as grief, divorce or separation, job loss, or loneliness.
Our Elders, along with volunteers from the congregation, run the committees that run the church’s programs, fix the leaks, arrange the special events, make the coffee… The list goes on.
Find a Place for Your Gifts and Talents
First Pres hosts Lighthouse, a temporary, rotating shelter for the homeless, for one week in January each year.
About 50 of our members participate in Rebuilding Together, a nationwide non-profit program that works to preserve affordable home ownership and to revitalize communities.
Our members support C.A.R.E.S. of Farmington Hills with numerous regularly donated food and personal care item and many of our members volunteer at their facility. We also spearhead Youth United which provides opportunities for interfaith youth to learn more about their commonalities as they make improvements at this emerging Village of Hope.
In addition, the members of Presbyterian Women support service projects such as Second Mile Center, World Vision, and Alternatives for Girls, with their time, talent, financial contributions and sweat!
We sponsor Scout Troop #179 and provide “camperships” for Scout campers.
To welcome all people to worship the triune God with us.
To give of our time, talent and treasures in mission to strengthen our relationship with Christ.
To grow in faith by studying, discerning and teaching God’s Word for our daily lives and for the life of the church.